I’ve always thought of Superego as a “brilliant experiment” that succeeded. So of course, I’m going to vote for more, though I don’t know how you can keep it up! I guess that’s a great reason to buy your books and give you money! Gotta love the free market.

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I bought all your books and will take anything you want to put out. If forced to rank them (to approximate what I hope you're working on at any given moment), I'd say Hellbender was what I'm looking forward to most--it's refreshingly snappy, like the perfect drink on a hot day. Superego is probably second; it feels like a AAA title and the series most likely appealing to the widest audience. I want more, but slightly less than Hellbender. As for Sidequest, I really thoroughly enjoyed it, and to some extent it felt the most geared towards me (as a dude of a certain age and the kind of person who loves RPG games and happily watched all the cartoon Dungeons and Dragons episodes as they came out once upon a Saturday morning in the `80s--I *still* want one of those bows!) But it's tougher to recommend to friends because I feel like it's more taste-specific (i.e., nerdy). But again, I love it. I would hope putting out a short story for free would be a risk-free introduction for new potential fans. But if I were your marketing director, I'd say put Superego (2015) out for free or reduced (like $2), and see if you can't get people hooked like the button-pushing crack monkey I have become. In any case, I hope your novels are profitable because I love them and (like Billy Idol) want, more, more, more!

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